Same day appointments are available locally on evenings and weekends if you need one.
Appointments are available
- weekdays 5pm - 9.30pm
- weekends 9am - 5pm Saturday, 9am - 1pm Sunday
- Bank holidays 9am - 3pm
If you feel unwell during these times, just call our practice. Your call goes through to the local clinical advice team who will book you an appointment or give you further advice.
Did you know you can also book routine nurse appointments on evenings and weekends?
If you struggle to make daytime appointments to see the nurse, ask our receptionist about an evening or weekend slot instead.
- Blood tests
- Routine ECG (not chest pain)
- Spirometry
- Review of contraception pill
- Repeat depo injection
- Smears
- B12 injection
- Removal of sutures and clips
For more information, please ask at reception.
where you might be offered an appointment
Northgate Surgery - Northgate Pontefract WF8 1NF
Trinity Medical Centre - Thornhill Street Wakefield WF1 1PG